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Math word problems

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jaylin picked up 2 pieces of trash and Duke picked up 5 pieces of trash off the ground. How many pieces of trash did they pick up altogether?
2+5=7 pieces of trash
Dr. Barton bought 7 iPads and 1 laptop for our classroom. How many devices did Dr. Barton buy for our classroom?
7+1= 8 devices
Mrs. Maize bought 4 apples and 4 oranges. How many apples and oranges did she buy altogether?
4+4=8 apples and oranges
Ms. Bree scored 4 points in the first quarter and 5 points in the second quarter. How points did Ms. Bree scored for the first half of the basketball game?
4+5=9 points
Mrs. Pang bought 3 chocolate cake pops and 4 vanilla cake pops. How many cake pops did Mrs. Pang buy altogether?
3+4=7 cake pops
Riley made 4 butterfly hair clips and 1 emoji hair clip. How many hair clips did Riley make altogether?
4+1=5 hair clips
Audrey drew 6 unicorns and 2 ponies. How many animals did she draw altogether?
6+2=8 animals
Aria found 3 white seashells and 2 tan seashells at the beach. How many seashells did she find altogether?
3+2=5 seashells
Logan ate 2 cookies for snack. Logan ate 2 more cookies for dessert. How many cookies did he eat altogether?
2+2=4 cookies
Riley made 5 cupcakes on Sunday. She made 5 more on Monday. How many cupcakes did she make altogether?
5+5= 10 cupcakes