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percent grade 6

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What is the fraction form of 25%
25/100 or 1/4
a) A science classroom has 5 turtles and 6 frogs . What is the ratio of frogs to the total animal?
In a race, 39 out of the 50 bicyclists finished in less than 36 minutes. What percent of bicyclists finished the race in less than 36 minutes?
All t-shirts in a store is on sale 25% OFF. Is this markdown greater than or less than a mark down of 1/5 off the original price?
greater than 1/5
Ms. Rose bought a package of sea life stickers. Out of every 10 stickers, 4 are starfish. If there are 60 stickers in the package. what percent of the stickers in the package are starfish?
Write the 0.72 in 2 equivalent forms as a fraction, decimal, or percent.
72% and 72/100
Write the 17% in 2 equivalent forms as a fraction, decimal, or percent.
0.17 and 17/100
Write 0.6 in two other equivalent forms.
60/100 and 6/10
What is the percent of 1/5?
What is the percent of 11/20 ?
find the percent of 82 out of 100.
What is the percent of 19 out of 50?
Find an equivelant ratio for 8:4
Which is a better value $27 for 9 large pizzas or $32 for 8 large pizzas?
$27 for 9 large pizzas
A sixth-grade basketball team has 4 centers, 5 forwards , and 3 guards . What is the ratio of Guards to centers
a) A science classroom has 8 turtles and 6 frogs . What is the ratio of frogs to the total animal?
Find the value of m in the equation m ÷ 2 = 223
m = 446
Find the value of k in the equation 74 k = 6,142
k = 83
Find the value of d in the equation d – 311 = 159
d = 470
Find the value of f in the equation 25 = 13 + f
f = 12
Tell which Property of Equality was used 2x + 12 = 50 2x + 12 + 30 = 50 + 30
Addition property of equality