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Defining Relative Clauses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Grade 5 has 5 classes. The 5 classes are on the 3rd floor.
Grade 5 has 5 classes that are on the 3rd floor.
Hagrid is a half-giant. Hagrid told Harry he was a wizard.
Hagrid is the half-giant who told Harry he was a wizard.
Gandalf is a wizard. Gandalf helped Frodo and Sam.
Gandalf is the wizard who helped Frodo and Sam.
I haven't read any of the books. I got the books for Christmas.
I haven't read any of the books that I got for Christmas.
I lost the money. I borrowed the money from my mom.
I lost the money that I borrowed from my mom.
Did you find the money? You lost the money.
Did you find the money that you lost?
I didn't like the girl. You brought her to the party.
I didn't like the girl who you brought to the party.
Where is the pencil? I gave you the pencil yesterday.
Where is the pencil that I gave you yesterday?
That is the girl. I saw her last night.
That is the girl who I saw last night.
This is the sandwich. I like it.
This is the sandwich that I like.
This is the blue pen. I used it to write my test.
This is the blue pen that I used to write my test.
Shakespeare is the author. He wrote Romeo and Juliet.
Shakespeare is the author who wrote Romeo and Juliet.
We like the actor. He plays Sherlock Holmes.
We like the actor who plays Sherlock Holmes.
This is the woman. She stole the painting.
This is the woman who stole the painting.
There is the woman. She was eating ice cream with her friend.
There is the woman who was eating ice cream with her friend.
I met a girl. The girl was a doctor.
I met a girl who was a doctor.
John made a copy of the photo. I took the photo.
John made a copy of the photo that I took.
There is the cell phone. It belongs to my brother.
There is the cell phone that belongs to my brother.
I went to see the doctor. The doctor was on TV.
I went to see the doctor that was on TV.
I dropped a glass. The glass was new.
I dropped a glass that was new.
We broke the computer. The computer belonged to my father.
We broke the computer that belonged to my father.
The customer liked the waitress. The waitress was very friendly.
The customer liked the waitress who was very friendly.
I sent an email to my brother. My brother lives in Australia
I sent an email to my brother who lives in Australia
They called a lawyer. The lawyer lived nearby.
They called a lawyer who lived nearby.
She worked for a man. The man used to be an athlete.
She worked for a man who used to be an athlete.