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B1+ (unit 1&2)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you call a place that sells fish?
Which one is correct: A: I never buy meat at buthers' B: I never buy meat at butcher's
B: I never buy meat at butcher's
POSSESSIVE PRONOUN: "My grandma loves gardening. She grows all ____ own vegetables""
POSSESSIVE PRONOUN: "A friend of ____ is going away. So, I'm looking after his dogs"
POSSESSIVE PRONOUN: "I'd love to have a house of ____ own"
MY own
Which one is correct: A. Meet me at Julia's B. Meet me at Julia
A: Meet me at Julia's
TRANSLATE: "Tai yra dviejų dienų darbas"
It's a two days' work
TRANSLATE: vietinÄ— mugÄ—
local fair
How do you call the thin liquid that is left from milk after the solid part (called curds) has been removed? (išrūgos))
TRANSLATE: "tarpininkas"
How do you call a small shop with an open front or a table with things for sale
TRANSLATE: "sandÄ—lis"
what the sysnonym for "2 weeks?"
Correct mistakes: "I want to color my hair"
"I want to dye my hair"
How do you call the part of a shirt, coat, dress, etc. that fits round the neck and is often folded over?
How do you call a circle where several roads meet?