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Go Getter 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You can’t wear this jacket. It’s too \ enough small for you.
These trousers are shorter / the shortest than those jeans.
I’m messier / the messiest person in my family
the messiest
James is better / the best singer in the class
the best
I dried / was drying my hair when I dropped the hairdryer
was drying
Paul was jogging in the park when it started / was starting to rain.
I was plugging in the TV when I broke / was breaking it
We slept / were sleeping when we heard a strange noise.
were sleeping
Dora cycled / was cycling to school when she saw you
was cycling
an injury made with something sharp C_ _
to be hurt by fire B_ _ _
a result of being hit by something B_ _ _ _ _
Blood / Bone is red and it goes to all parts of the body. /
Do intelligent animals have a big brain / blood?
big brain
The bone / heart is a big muscle and it beats about 100,000 times a day
The hearts / bones in your legs and arms are the longest in your body.
When you exercise, your muscles become / blood becomes bigger and stronger.
muscles become
you / ever / eat / Mexican food? (make a question in Present perfect)
Have you ever eaten Mexican food?
she / buy / the vegetables? ( make a question in Present perfect)
Has she bought vegetables?
they / ever / be / on TV? ( make a question in Present perfect)
Have they ever been on TV?
The pasta has tomato sauce with chillies. It’s very s_______ !
The restaurant has a dirty kitchen and the food is d___ . Don’t eat it.
You use a m_______ oven to warm up food or cook it
You use a r____ control to change the channels on your TV
I don’t like lemons or other s___ fruit
You use a b_____ to make smoothies with fruit and yoghurt.
You use a DVD p___ to watch DVDs.