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Fiction Genres

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The Harry Potter Series is which type of fantasy?
Low Fantasy
The Lord of the Rings is which type of Fantasy?
High Fantasy or Epic Fantasy
Which type of fantasy involves characters that travel from the real world into a fictional fantasy world?
Portal Fantasy
This type of fantasy is set in the present day. Often it is in a city environment. Human institutions such as the police are involved with the characters or are a part of the plot.
Urban Fantasy / Contemporary Fantasy
This type of fantasy requires the main character to go on a lengthy journey where the fate of the world will rest on their shoulders.
High Fantasy / Epic Fantasy
This type of story takes place in the real world, or something very like the real world, and includes magical or supernatural elements. Characters often discover secret magical forces or supernatural creatures within their surroundings.
Low Fantasy
What type of story takes an established plot and rewrites it for modern day readers?
Fairy Tale Retelling
Power is used for good versus evil in which genre?
Which two genres often involve a journey?
Fantasy and Adventure
What is central to the plot and / or characters in fantasy literature?
An author will create a ____________ that tends to play a large role in the development of the story.
A clue that is misleading is called what?
a red herring
The _____________ is a line or image that creates curiosity.
What type of story involves puzzling events that need to be solved by the characters?
Scientific discoveries are used to explain what concept in science fiction literature?
If an established law of science is broken.
Futuristic worlds should have an established _________ of events that describe how the world came into existence.
Technology in science fiction should be
scientifically believable
Why is world building important in science fiction?
The setting becomes part of the plot; it affects the actions of the characters; it affects the daily lives of the characters
What should you look for in science fiction literature?
Robots, time travel, and space travel.
What does science fiction blend together?
Science and technology with imagination.
How should an action story make you feel?
You should feel like something could happen to the hero at any moment.
In an action story there should always be an element of __________ or potentially __________________.
danger; disastrous outcome
What should always move a protagonist, in an action story, toward their goals?
Their actions
How are action scenes written?
They are written in easy to understand sentences.
What is the overall effect of pairing action literature with another genre?
It changes the way the story is told.
Identify one example of texture in an adventure story.
wardrobe, setting, character quirks, backstory
What does the word texture mean when it is applied to adventure stories?
The details in the story.
The antagonist of an adventure story is tied to what story element?
Brisk and fast paced describes the plot of which type of story?
Overall, the main character in an adventure story should be...
Adventure literature pulls the reader out of their everyday lives and takes them on a...
The inciting incident in an adventure story should leave you feeling...
mad or angry
The event that triggers the plot is called the...
inciting incident