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S1 Unit 16 Reading Future

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Fill in the blank. I use a _______ to eat my soup
Fill in the blank. __________ is an ingredient for making a cake
Fill in the blank. I have two teaspoons of _______ in my coffee
Fill in the blank. I like spreading _______ on my toast
Fill in the blank. My grandma has a special ________ for making snacks
Fill in the blank. To do well in the exam, you should ___________ your English vocab
What do the numbers mean in Number Cakes?
How much of each ingredient you need to use
How many cups of sugar should you use?
How many cups of flour should you use?
How many eggs should you use?
What numbers do you need to remember to make the number cakes
1,2,3,4,1 and 1
What do some cookbooks call the first cupcakes?
Number cakes
When were the first cupcakes made?
Around 1800
What are the ingredients to make a cake?
Butter, sugar, flour, eggs, milk, baking soda
What does "Spoon" mean?
Something we use to eat
What does "Flour" mean?
A powder made from a grain that is used for making bread, cakes, etc.
What does "sugar" mean?
White or brown crystals used to make food sweet
What does "butter" mean?
An ingredient made from milk that is spread on food or used in cooking
What does "Recipe" mean?
A set of instructions for making food
What does "Remember" mean?
To have or keep something in your mind