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The Fall of Man

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What did Adam & Eve do after they ate the forbidden fruit?
Cover themselves with leaves and hide from God.
How did Adam & Eve feel after eating the forbidden fruit? E m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ d
What happened after Adam & Eve ate the fruit?
Their eyes were opened and they realized that they were naked.
Why did Eve eat from the forbidden tree?
The tree looks beautiful, it's fruit looks delicious to Eve and she wanted to have wisdom.
How did the serpent trick Adam & Eve?
By changing what God said.
Which was the most clever animal that God made?
What did God say will happen if Adam & Eve eat from the forbidden tree?
They will surely die.
What did God give to Adam & Eve for food?
Fruit from any tree in the garden, except from the tree of knowledge of good and evil
Where did Adam & Eve first lived? The Garden of _ _ _ _
The Garden of Eden