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Zoo animals (Riddles)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This animal is the fastest land animal in the world. It is in the cat family.
This animal is green and likes to live in the water and land. It walks really really slowly.
This animal lives in the ocean and is very intelligent. It always looks like it's smiling.
This animal is big and lives in Australia. It likes to jump and has a pocket on its body for babies.
This animal lives in the jungle and is all black. It is very big and strong and looks like a big monkey.
This animal is black and white and looks like a horse.
This animal lives in the snow and is really big. It is all white. It likes to eat fish. It has sharp claws.
polar bear
This animal is in the cat family. It has orange and black stripes and can run very fast.
This animal is really really big and has big floppy ears. It is gray and likes to eat peanuts.
This animal does not have hands or feet. It has a long tongue and some people are afraid of it.
This animal lives in trees and loves to eat bananas. It likes to jump from tree to tree.
This animal is pink and loves to play in the mud.
This animal is the biggest animal in the world and lives in the ocean.
blue whale
This animal is called the King of the Jungle. It is beige colored and likes to roar.
This animal lives in Africa and likes to eat leaves on trees with its long neck