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American Music Trivia

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What types of religious music are made in America? A. Protestant chants B. Church music C. Gospel music and Christian pop D. Catholic music
C. Gospel and Christian pop
What is the name of the national anthem? A. The Banner B. The Spangled Banner C. The Star Banner D. The Star Spangled Banner
The Star Spangled Banner
True or False: A group of two musicians or singers is called a couple.
FALSE (it's a duet!)
True or False: A piano has 88 keys.
True or False: Strings on a guitar are different thickness.
What metal is used to make a trombone?
Where is Hollywood?
(Los Angeles) California
What percussion instrument is named after its shape?
The triangle
How many strings are on a Violin? 3, 4, or 5?
How many strings are on a harp? 47, 147, or 247?
Which singer originally starred on the Disney show Hannah Montana?
Miley Cyrus
What southern American city is nicknamed "Music City"?
Nashville, Tennessee
What is the name of the instrument you use in this music class?
Name any song by Michael Jackson.
I want you back, ABC, Thriller...
Name three instruments used in Rock and Roll?
answers may vary.
What are the Grammys?
A music award
What is this called?
Marching band
When someone says a song is "a hit" what do they mean?
A song is a best-seller/really popular
Jazz musicians can create new music spontaneously while playing. This is called
Who is he?
Kanye West
Who is she?
Olivia Rodrigo
Who is she?
Billie Eilish
Who is he?
Justin Bieber
Who is she?
Selena Gomez