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The Roman conquest

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Who attacked Numantia in 134 B.C.?
A Roman general called Scipio Aemilianus attacked Numantia in 134 B.C.
When was Numantia attacked by the Roman general called Scipio Aemilianus?
Numantia was attacked by the Roman general called Scipio Aemilianus in 134 B.C.
The inhabitants of Numantia (Numancia) fought against the Carthaginians or the Romans?
The inhabitants of Numantia (Numancia) fought against the Romans.
Numantia (Numancia) was a Celtiberian city. True or false?
Viriato won some victories against the Romans but the was killed in _________.
Viriato won some victories against the Romans but the was killed in 139 B.C.
Viriato fought against the Carthaginians. True or false?
False. Viriato fought against the Romans.
Who were the Lusitanians?
The Lusitanians were a Celtiberian tribe living in the west of the Iberian Peninsula.
Who was the leader of the Lusitanians?
The leader of the Lusitanians was Viriato.
At the beginning the Romans ______________ all of the Iberian Peninsula. They fought different wars against the ____________ for almost 200 years.
At the beginning the Romans DIDN'T CONTROL all of the Iberian Peninsula. They fought different wars against the CELTIBERIANS for almost 200 years.
How long did it take the Romans to conquer the Iberian Peninsula?
It took the Romans to conquer the Iberian Peninsula almost 200 years.
When did the Roman conquest of the Iberian Peninsula end?
The Roman conquest of the Iberian Peninsula ended in 19 B.C.
When did the Romans start to invade the Iberian Peninsula?
The Romans started to invade the Iberian Peninsula in 218 B.C.
After the siege of Saguntum Hannibal ___________ the Alps and _____________ the Romans in _________.
After the siege of Saguntum Hannibal CROSSED the Alps and ATTACKED the Romans in ITALY.
In 219 B.C. after the siege of Saguntum, Hannibal _______ and ___________of the city.
In 219 B.C. after the siege of Saguntum, Hannibal WON and TOOK CONTROL of the city.
When Hannibal, the Carthaginian general attacked Saguntum, there was a ________
When Hannibal, the Carthaginian general attacked Saguntum, there was a SIEGE.
When Hannibal, the Carthaginian general attacked Saguntum, there was a ________
When Hannibal, the Carthaginian general attacked Saguntum, there was a SIEGE.
When did Hannibal, the Carthaginian general attack Saguntum?
Hannibal, the Carthaginian general attacked Saguntumin 219 B.C.
Which Carthaginian general attacked Saguntum in 219 B.C.?
The Carthaginian general who attacked Saguntum in 219 B.C. was HANNIBAL.
The city of Saguntum (_________) was friendly with the _________.
The city of Saguntum (SAGUNTO) was friendly with the ROMANS.
The Carthaginians had _________ on the Iberian Peninsula because they wanted to __________ their influence there.
The Carthaginians had COLONIES on the Iberian Peninsula because they wanted to EXPAND their influence there.
The Romans and the Carthaginians were _____ and they both wanted ______
The Romans and the Carthaginians were RIVALS and they both wanted TO CONTROL THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA.
When did the Romans begin their conquest of the Iberian Peninsula?
The Romans began their conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 218 B.C.
Where was Rome originated?
Rome was originated on the Italian Peninsula.