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Dragon Masters Saving the Sun Dragon Chapter 2

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What color is the King’s hair?
How did the King react when he heard Griffith and the children?
He frowned.
Where did the tunnel from the Valley of Clouds lead?
To the Dragon Room.
How does dark magic make Sun Dragons feel?
Who must have made the red orb?
A dark wizard.
How does Griffith feel about the red orb?
It worries him.
When did Kepri begin to feel bad?
Since last week - when the tunnel caved in.
What have Kepri’s eyes looked like since the tunnel caved in?
What was Kepri’s breathing like when they landed?
Loud and heavy.
What did Vulcan do to slow down?
He flew in a circle around the valley.
What happened before Griffith could use his magic?
A red blur shot across the sky.
What happened with Griffith’s finger when he tried to slow Kepri down?
Lightning sizzled from it.
How did Ana react to Kepri falling?
She started to scream.