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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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do you ever watch horror movie on saturday?
no i never do
does he often watch cartoon on phone?
yes he often does
do you sometimes go shopping with your friends?
no i hardly ever do
do you never go to park on fridays?
no i usually do
does she usually watch game show ?
no she sometimes does
does he ever watch sport on tv?
yes he always does
what kind of tv program are you going to watch at night?
im going to watch nature program at night
what kinds of tv programs are you going to watch this weekend?
im going to watch game show and sitcom this weekend
what tv programs do you like?
i like talk show
what tv programs do you like?
i like sports
what is soap opera?
a story about real life
what is sitcom?
ways of saying likes and dislikes
who is your favorite actress?
my favorite actress is .....
who is your favorite actor?
my favorite actor is ......
why do you like horror movie?
i like horror movie because it scary
why do you like comedies?
i like comedies because its funny
what is your favorite movie?
my favorite movie is an action movie
when do you go to the concert?
i go on weekends
when do you go to the movies?
i go on sunday
how ofhen do you go to the movies ?
i go everyday
how often do you go to the movies?
i go once in a month
what kinds of movies dont you like?
i dont like action
what kinds of movies dont you like?
i dont like action movie
what kinds of movie do you like?
i like science fiction
what kind of movies do you like?
i like action
do you like horror movie?
no i dont
do you like comedies?
yes i do