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What is in your humble opinion?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jacob : Frankly speaking, death sentence is the best choice for corruptors. Cindy : Since they also makes people suffer, ____________.
That's totally ...
An arranged marriage is a good idea.
I completely/totally/definitely ... In my mind, ...
Among body fitness, grade, and social life, choose two and tell why.
I have to say... If I have to choose, I think...
Joana : I have to say that Indomie is the best food in the world. Ellen : ___________. It will make you sick if you eat it all time.
Nah! You can't say that.
What is your opinion about K-Pop?
In my frank opinion... Personally...
How do you see Junk Food culture nowadays? State your opinion on it!
I think... I have to say that... If you ask me...
What do you think about teachers in Homeschooling HSPG?
If you ask me, ... Personally, I feel ... In my humble opinion, ...
State your opinion on the use of social media on teenagers.
In my point of view... Personally, ...
Between being handsome/beautiful and rich, which one is more important to you?
I feel... Honestly, I feel... To be honest... In my opinion ...
How do you see an ideal friend is?
In my opinion... Personally, I think... If you ask me...
A: In my opinion, a leader should be a male. B: ... Male and female have the same right. Female can also be a leader.
I don't think so... I don't think that's right... I disagree with you...
A pretty girl is more attractive than a smart girl.
Agreement/Disagreement > In my opinion/personally, I feel/ I guess