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acids and bases
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name 2 properties of a base
OH- in solution, bitter, slippery, crystalline, conducts electrons
Name one property of an acid
H+ in solution, sticky, sour, corrodes iron, conducts electrons
litmus paper turns blue when placed in a ___________________-
The ______________number on the pH scale, the stronger the acid
The range for bases on the pH scale is ___________________
The _________________ acids and bases are found near 7.
_______________ have a pH less than 7
When an acid and a base cancel each other out it is called __________________
dish soap has a pH of 12 and baking soda has a pH of 10. Which is the weaker base?
baking soda
An _____________ is sticky, sour and releases H+ ions in solution
What releases OH- in solution?
A _______________ tastes bitter, and is slippery.
Blood and water have a pH of 7. This tells us that they are both _____?
what color is litmus paper in acid?
If item A has a pH of 13 and item B has a pH of 10 which is the stronger base?
item B
where are the strongest bases found on the pH scale?
near 14
What number on the pH scale indicates that something is neutral?
Tomato juice has a pH of 5. Is it a strong or weak acid?
What do Acids release in solution?
H+ ions
where are acids located on the pH scale?