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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which seat is better if you want to go to the restroom on an airplane?
An aisle seat.
Which one is faster? The Local or the Express? Why?
The Express is faster because it goes straight to its destination.
What's the difference between a Direct Flight and a Non-stop flight.
Direct flights have connections. Non-stops, as the name suggests, never stop.
What's the difference between an One-way ticket to a Round-trip ticket?
With a one-way ticket you just go. The round-trip ticket allows you to go and return.
What time does flight 26 depart for Tokyo? When does it arrive?
Departure: 8:30 Arrival: 9:35
Which train is faster, the 1461 or the D31?
How much time does it take to get from Beijing to Shanghai on train 1461?
22 hours and 07 minutes
It's now 10am. When is the next non-stop bus to Nazca
It's the 14:00
It's now 10am. When is the next bus to Nazca
It's the 13:30
You pay to travel with me. In some cities I'm yellow.
Ride alone or with a friend, but prepare your legs. No couch potatoes here, as I have no motor!
I have wheels but I never travel on roads. I have wings and tail but I'm no animal. Who am I.