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Solutions gold advanced Review U2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You can go out if you finish your homework. (provided) ..............................your homework, you can go out.
Provided (that) you finish your homework, you can go out.
I didn’t help Kelly with her presentation because she didn’t ask me. (had) If Kelly .............................., I would have helped her with her presentation
If Kelly had asked (me), I would have helped her with her presentation.
We didn’t meet again for years. (until) Not ....................................we meet again.
Not until years later did we meet again.
To sum up, I think the proposal is a good one. (considered) ................................., I think the proposal is a good one.
All things considered, I think the proposal is a good one.
I got home and turned on the football match straight away. (sooner) No ....................I turned on the football match
No sooner had I got home than I turned on the football match
If I didn’t have to revise, I’d come shopping with you. (fact) If it .......................I have to revise, I’d come shopping with you.
If it weren't for the fact that I have to revise, I’d come shopping with you.
If my plane is delayed, I’ll send you a text message. (should) I’ll send you a text message..................... delayed.
I’ll send you a text message should my plane be delayed.
Did Ryan fall asleep on the bus because he was very tired? (so) Was Ryan...................... he fell asleep on the bus?
Was Ryan so tired that he fell asleep on the bus?
There was a tall, thin man standing in front of the house. In front ....................
In front of the house stood a tall, thin man.
I called the police because I was very worried. So .......................
So worried was I, that I called the police.
I was totally unaware of how close I’d been swimming to a three-metre shark. Little..............
Little did I know how close I’d been swimming to a three-metre shark.
I don’t have to do that terrible job any more. No longer..............................
No longer do I have to do that terrible job
Please call me if you need a lift home. Should................................
Should you need a lift home, please call me.
It’s totally forbidden for you to enter that building. Under no circumstance....................
Under no circumstances should you enter that building
The match had only just started when they scored. Hardly...................
Hardly had the match started when they scored.
We never thought you were guilty of the crime. Not for one moment....................
Not for one moment did we think you were guilty of the crime.