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S2 Franny K Stein

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What appeared from the trash?
Giant Monstrous Fiend
Name the three things the children put in the trash can
1. crab ravioli in pumpkin sauce 2. gum 3. old gym shoes 4. trash
What was wrong about the trash can?
It started to have paranormal reaction
TRUE/FALSE: Miss Shelly completely liked the cute version of Franny.
FALSE: Miss Shelly preferred Franny to be weird and herself more
How did Franny's friends think about her transformation?
They really liked her. Some asked her to come over to their houses and play.
Name 3 things Franny had changed when she went to school
1. She ate peanut butter sandwiches 2. She used normal baseball instead of skull or giant squid eyeball 3. Her doll Chompolina became cute
How did Chompolina, Franny's doll, transform?
It no longer crackled other doll heads. Instead, it played happy music with perfume and nice nail polish and long hair.
TRUE/FALSE: Franny wanted a strange, horrible, exotic lunch to eat after she became a cute girl IF not, what did she want to eat?
FALSE: She wanted a normal sandwich to eat like her friends.
How did Franny's parents think about her transformation?
They were surprised because she looked so nice.
What were the three things that Franny mixed in the formula to transform into a cute girl?
honey, vanilla jelly beans, pink soda