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Natural Science

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the ORGAN for our sense of touch?
Our skin
What is the ORGAN for our sense of taste?
The tongue
True or False? Our skin is the largest organ in our bodies.
What is the green circular part of the ear in this diagram called and what is it´s function?
The eardrum, it vibrates when sound hits it.
What is this part of the ear called and what is it´s function?
The pinna, it captures the sound
What is this part of the eye called? What´s it´s function?
Retina, it captures the light and creates an image
What is this part of the eye called and what´s it´s function?
The iris, it is a muscle that relaxes or contracts the pupil
The bones and muscles are part of our _________________ system.
Locomotor system
The brain and nerves are part of our ______________ system.
Nervous system
What 2 body systems work together to move our body?
The nervous system and the locomotor system
________________ is the ability to detect and respond to information about our environment. We detect the information with our 5 senses.
What are the reproductive organs of women?
Vagina and ovaries
What are the reproductive organs of men?
Penis and testicles
Are humans oviparous or viviparous? What does this mean?
Viviparous, babies are born from their mother´s womb
The lungs, trachea, and larynx are all parts of our __________________ system.
Respiratory system
The kidneys, urethra, and bladder are all parts of our ______________ system.
Excretory system
The heart, blood vessels (arteries and veins), and blood are all part of the _____________ system.
Circulatory system
The stomach, mouth, intestines, and oesophagus are part of the _______________ system.
Digestive system
Name 3 organs in our body.
Brain, Lungs, Heart, Bones, Muscles, etc...