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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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off/ don't / day / why / the / take / you / ?
Why don't you take the day off?
go / why / don't / home/ you / ?
Why don't you go home?
very / shouldn't / late / you / bed / to / go /.
You shouldn't go to bed very late.
morning / what / Sunday / do / on / you / usually / do /?
What do you usually do on Sunday morning?
morning / do / the / you / in / exercise / ?
Do you exercise in the morning?
much / every / do / how / day / fruit / eat / you / ?
How much fruit do you eat every day?
a / sleep / hours / you / day / should / eight
You should sleep eight hours a day.
I usually work/am working in the city
At the moment sit/I'm sitting in the kitchen
am sitting
I usually sleep quite bad/badly
I'm a very well/good cook.
Translate: взять лодку в аренду
rent a boat
Translate: go sightseeing
смотреть достопримечательности
Make a Past Simple Question: did/last/when/you/on/holiday/go/?
When did you last go on holiday?
Translate: a prison cell
Тюремная камера
Translate: пустыня
a desert
Translate: овца
Write the comparative form: safe
Write the comparative form: boring
more boring
Write the comparative form: bad