Edit Game
Basic 1 - Unit 3 - Day 1

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the U.S., if you do something wrong, you can go to detention or be suspended. True or false?
Public schools in the U.S. don't have uniforms. True or false?
In the U.S., grades come in letters. You can pass with an A, B, C, or D. You only fail with an F. True or false?
False. You need a D or higher to pass.
In the U.S., students take quizzes and exams. All students take a final exam. True or false?
In the U.S., the longest vacation is in the middle of the year. It's called summer break. True or false?
In the U.S., students usually go to school from August to December, and from January to May. True or false?
A break between classes is also called a r______.
In the U.S., students usually eat a snack at school. True or false?
False. They eat lunch.
In the U.S., students usually meet at their homeroom first, before going to their different classes of the day. True or false?
Each class that you have in a day is called a p_______.
In this subject, you learn how to use your money.
financial education / finance
In this class, you learn how to write a text.
In this class, you are prepared for careers that you can have in the future.
vocational education
In this subject, you learn the language people speak in Mexico and Argentina.
In this class, you learn about animals, plants, our body, the environment, etc.
science / biology
In this class, you do sports and other physical activities.
physical education (P.E.) / gym
In this subject, you learn about food that is good for your health.
In this subject, you learn about notes, instruments, melodies, etc.
In this class, you learn about computers, coding, etc.
information technology (IT / ICT) / computers
In this subject, you learn about wars, revolutions, and other events from the past.
In this subject, people study maps, the populations, etc.
In this class, people learn vocabulary, reading, speaking, etc. You come to Ibeu.
In this optional class or club, you learn how to be an actor.
In this class, we study paintings, sculptures, drawings, etc.