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Human Vision Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who dis?
Baby Ms. Stevens
How many upcoming field trips do we have?
4 - Bowling, Bandits, Swimming, Playland
How many school days left in the school year? (not counting today)
Your whole team must go to the other class and high five Mrs. McDonald
Slap hands!
How many colours of cone cells are there?
Who dis?
Baby Ms. Preston
How many nouns are in this sentence: There are eleven purple cats in Evan's friend's treehouse.
Who dis?
Baby Mrs. McDonald
Your whole group must run around the perimeter of the school in TWO MINUTES.
Run! Run! Run!
Have your whole team hold chair pose for ONE MINUTE.
Can you do it?
What is backpack en français?
Un sac à dos
What is the formula for surface area of a rectangular prism?
SA = 2lw + 2lh + 2hw
What are the three Ds of the immune system?
Detect - Deflect - Destroy
What year was the Hubble Space Telescope launched?
Why is it necessary to have all three kinds of cone cells (red, green, blue)?
With just those three colours you can make all the colours of the rainbow.
What kind of telescope is this?
Refracting Telescope
What kind of telescope is this?
Reflecting Telescope
Which type of lens should a person use if they are near-sighted?
Which allows us to detect colour, rods or cones?
Which is able to distinguish shades of light and dark, rods or cones?
How can snow blindness be prevented?
Close-fitting goggles
What causes astigmatism?
Irregularly shaped cornea
What is it called when the pupil gets bigger?
Which part of the eye does light enter?
What part of the eye is the "colour" of the person's eye?
Which structure of the eye does the most focussing?
What is the job of the optic nerve?
Send electrical signals to the brain
How can a laser be used to correct vision problems?
1. Reattach retina 2. Reshape cornea 3. Remove cataracts 4. Stop bleeding
Which type of lens should a person use if they are far-sighted?
The inner lining of the back of the eye containing light sensitive rods and cones is called...
The retina
A transparent tissue covering the iris and pupil is called...
The cornea
An opaque tissue surrounding the cornea is called...
The place on the retina where the optic nerve is attached and which cannot detect light is called...
The blind spot
The flexible convex structure behind the iris and pupil is called...
The lens
Why are children in developing countries at a greater risk of becoming blind?
Disease and malnutrition
How does the lens change to focus on far objects?
It becomes thinner
How does the lens change to focus on close objects?
It becomes thicker