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Geography Quiz

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Alpine zones are at a very high a________.
When you visit different ________ of a country, you hear different accents.
Another word for farming is: a________
What do farmers grow? Uscramble the word: ROCSP
What’s a word which means plants, trees and flowers?
The large landmasses on Earth made up of lots of different countries are called c_________.
What kind of regions are arid?
Name eight types of weather.
Name the four seasons.
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Temperate zones usually have quite m___ weather in spring and autumn.
Describe the typical weather in the winter where you live.
Describe the typical weather in the summer where you live.
KEY WORD TRANSFORMATION: In temperate climates, the weather changes throughout the year. ---> VARYING ---> Temperate climates _____________________ the year.
Temperate climates have varying weather throughout the year.
What’s a synonym for change (v.)?
What’s a scientific word for rainfall?
When something happens every year, it happens a_____ (adv.)
If you live near the sea, you live on the c____
What’s a synonym for dry?
What is the typical weather in an arid climate zone?
What is the typical weather in a temperate climate zone?
What is the typical weather in a polar or alpine climate zone?
What is the typical weather in a tropical climate zone?
Name the main climate zones on Earth.
tropical, temperate, arid, polar, (alpine, Mediterranean)
What does hemisphere mean?
half of a sphere / half of the Earth
Describe this map for 2 minutes.
(Student's own answer. Key words: climate zone, map, arid, polar, alpine, tropical, temperate, climate, weather, equator)
an imaginary line that divides the earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres