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Gerund & Infinitive (part 2)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Dave is very disappointed ______ (know) that he is rejected by his dream company.
to know (infinitive as adjective complement)
I was sad ______ (hear) of her illness.
to hear (infinitive as adjective complement)
Dimas was hesitant _____ (tell) the coach of her plan.
to tell (infinitive as adjective complement)
We were amazed _____ (see) how well she performed.
to see (infinitive as adjective complement)
Their decision _____ (delay) the wedding was not easy.
to delay (infinitive as noun complement)
Do you get a message from the librarian, Sally? That’s a reminder ____ (return) the library book.
to return (infinitive as noun complement)
I could never understand her desire ______ (work) as a flight attendance.
to work (infinitive as noun complement)
Her favorite dream is to play basketball for UConn. "to play basketball for UConn" is infinitive as _____
subject complement
Steven's favorite hobby is _____ (play) basketball with his colleagues.
playing/to play (gerund & infinitive as subject complement)
My favorite hobby is reading Betty Azar. "reading Betty Azar" is gerund as _____
subject complement
Maria likes _______ up early in the morning.
to get up/getting up (gerund & infinitive as direct object)
He stopped ______ (drink) coffee when he knew that he has gastritis.
drinking (gerund as direct object)
Jake was catching the bus. When he saw Anne in the café, he stopped ____ (drink) coffee.
to drink (infinitive as direct object)
You promised ____ (buy) me a diamond ring.
to buy (infinitive as direct object)
Paul avoids _____ (use) chemicals on the vegetables he grows.
using (gerund as direct object)
Change the sentence "It requires a lot of time and money to travel around the world." into another version of infinitive as subject!
To travel around the world requires a lot of time and money.
Change the sentence "It may be dangerous to swim in that sea." into another version of infinitive as subject!
To swim in that sea may be dangerous.
Change the sentence "To drive very fast here is not advisable." into another version of infinitive as subject!
It is not advisable to drive very fast here.
Sleeping 8 hours is very important for our body. "Sleeping" is gerund as _____
Change the sentence "To give advice is easy." into another version of infinitive as subject!
It is easy to give advice.
Everyone participated in finding the Easter eggs. "participated in finding" is gerund as _____
object of preposition
I'm accustomed _______ (get) to work before everyone else. (object of preposition)
to getting
You are capable _____ (do) better work. (object of preposition)
of doing
We were looking forward to going there. "looking forward to going" is gerund as _____
object of preposition
The kids were excited ______ (go) there. (object of preposition)
about going