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Dragon Masters Saving the Sun Dragon Chapter 1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What happened to Kepri in the end of the chapter?
She fell down.
How did Griffith put out the fire?
With his finger.
What did Vulcan do to show off?
He shoot a stream of fire at the grass below him.
How did Drake feel when he talked to Rori?
He was embarrassed.
How did Rori react to Drake’s question?
She snorted.
What does the Dragon Stone do when Drake and Worm have a very strong connection?
It glows.
What does the Dragon Stone feel like when Drake and Worm have a connection?
It tingles.
What color is the Dragon Stone?
It’s green.
What did Ana do when Kepri was looping in the air?
She danced on the grass below the dragon.
Which dragon was the best flier?
Where is Drake?
In the Valley of Clouds.