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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Zamierzam gra膰 w football w przysz艂ym tygodniu.
I'm going to play football next week.
Zamierzam ogl膮da膰 TV po szkole.
I'm going to watch TV after school.
Zamierzam i艣膰 poserfowa膰 w nast臋pny weekend.
I'm going to go surfing next weekend.
Co zamierzasz jutro robi膰 po szkole?
What are you going to do after school?
Zamierzam pop艂ywa膰 kajakiem.
I'm going to go kayaking.
B臋dzie znowu pada膰 za minut臋.
It is going to rain in a minute.
Tom zamierza p贸j艣膰 pop艂ywa膰 jutro.
Tom is going to go swimming tomorrow.
Czy zamierzasz mi pom贸c z tym zadaniem czy nie?
Are you going to help me with this task or not?
Tom zamierza zje艣膰 (mie膰)obiad z 偶on膮 w sobot臋.
Tom is going to have dinner with his wife on Saturday.
Ania zamierza sprzeda膰 sw贸j samoch贸d.
Ania is going to sell her car.
Mark zamierza mie膰 imprez臋 w pt
Mark is going to have a party on Friday.
Zamierzam kupi膰 nowy samoch贸d.
I am going to buy a new car.