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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mary wanted to make sure she made her presentation creatively, effectively and persuaded others.
Mary wanted to make sure she made her presentation creatively, effectively and persuasively.
My parents said to get a good education and not settle for less.
My parents said to get a good education and not to settle for less.
TOEFL: Garlic has been hailed for its ability to lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of cancer, boost immunity, and curb high pressure.
Garlic has been hailed for its ability to lower cholesterol, reducing the risk of cancer, boost immunity, and curb high pressure.
TOEFL: The electronics technology program prepares students for employment in industries that involve the repair, fabrication, to install, and maintenance of electronic systems.
The electronics technology program prepares students for employment in industries that involve the repair, fabrication, installation, ...
TOEFL: An emergency campfire not only providing warmth but also has a calming effect on some people.
An emergency campfire not only provides warmth but also has a calming effect on some people.
TOEFL: Walking reduces depression and anxiety, lessens stress, self-esteem is raised, and increases energy.
Walking reduces depression and anxiety, lessens stress, raises self-esteem, and increases energy.
Managing your money well is to be prepared for the future.
Managing your money well is preparing for the future.
I want neither your sympathy nor do I want your pity.
I want neither your sympathy nor your pity.
The new house has a large porch, an eat-in kitchen, and the floors are carpeted.
The new house has a large porch, an eat-in kitchen, and carpeted floors.
Brian disliked not only playing baseball but also to run long distances.
Brian disliked not only playing baseball but also running long distances.
Spending the day with you is better than if we were apart.
Spending the day with you is better than being apart.
The witness described the suspect as tall, light-skinned, and with a beard.
The witness described the suspect as tall, light-skinned, and bearded.
For her birthday, Marsha received a cake, some clothes, and she got a new cellphone.
For her birthday, Marsha received a cake, some clothes, and a new cellphone.
It is easier to tell the truth than lying to people you love.
It is easier to tell the truth than to lie to people you love.
Last year, my brother dropped out of school, was looking for work, and needed a place to stay.
Last year, my brother dropped out of school, looked for work, and needed a place to stay.
When Friday rolls around, do you go to the mall or are you going to work?
When Friday rolls around, do you go to the mall or to work?
Mary wanted to paint her office, to add some new draperies, and the carpet needs cleaning.
Mary wanted to paint her office, to add some new draperies, and to clean the carpet.
The apartment was filled with old newspapers, broken bottles, and the ashtrays were overflowing.
The apartment was filled with old newspapers, broken bottles, and overflowing ashtrays.
The dog was excited: running, barking, and he chased after the boys.
The dog was excited: running, barking, and chasing after the boys.
He spent his time studying Spanish, working at the convenience store, and he jogged every afternoon.
He spent his time studying Spanish, working at the convenience store, and jogging every afternoon.
She likes to listen to music and reading the latest novels.
She likes to listen to music and to read the latest novels.