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Prepare 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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put the verb in past simple or present perfect How long ______________________ your sister ______________________ in Japan? Is it three or four months? ( be)
has been
put the verb in past simple or present perfect The plane ______________________ until yesterday evening. (not take off)
didn't take off
put the verb in past simple or present perfect . ______________________ your friends ______________________ at school late yesterday? ( arrive)
Did arrive
put the verb in past simple or present perfect When ______________________ you and your family ______________________ to that new vegetarian restaurant? (go)
did go
put the verb in past simple or present perfect My grandma ______________________ never ______________________ by plane (travel)
has travelled
put the verb in past simple or present perfect My dad ______________________ a camel when he went to Tenerife. (ride)
put the verb in past simple or present perfect Wait a minute. We ______________________ for our meal yet. (not pay)
haven't paid
put the verb in past simple or present perfect ______________________ you ever ______________________ raw fish? (eat)
Have eaten
. You can b___________ that new murder mystery from the library, if you like.
. We watched a d_____________ about tigers in India. It was really interesting.
I’m really into s___________ f__________ films because I love thinking about the future.
science fiction
An a______ is a small insect which lives with hundreds of others.
A b________ is a big animal with brown fur which can climb trees.
Be careful! If you fall off your bike, you will i__________ your ankle again.
When you get a cold, you often have a sore throat and a c________ too.
Most people have ten t_______ on their feet.
. Everyone said the film was brilliant but I disagree. It was quite disappointing\ disappointed.
Why didn’t Jake go to his brother’s party? He loves parties. That’s surprising\ surprised
. Our teacher gave us a lot of homework and it’s my birthday. I’m not pleased – I’m really annoying\ annoyed
I can’t understand this maths exercise. It’s so confused\ confusing
I’ve just done my homework, tidied my room and cooked the dinner. I’m going to bed. I’m exhausted / exhausting
I didn’t like that meal at all. The soup was cold and the chicken tasted disgusted / disgusting
When she had to talk in front of the class, her face went red because she was so embarrassing\ embarrassed.
Lying on the beach all day is really relaxing\ relaxed . I feel much better afterwards.
. The money which is returned to someone who has paid for something which costs less than the amount they give. c___
If goods in a shop are this, they are being sold at a lower price than usual. s__ o___
special offer
A piece of paper that proves that you have received goods in a shop. r_____
The amount of money that you have to pay to buy something. p__
The place in a shop, especially a large food shop, where you pay for your goods c__
To give something to someone without asking for payment. g___ a___
give away
To keep money so that you can buy something with it in the future s___ u__
save up
To return something you have bought in a shop. t__ b_____
take back
. Perhaps they’ll look at your luggage at _____.
Before going through security check, you need to go to the c___ d___.
check-in desk
You’ll need to show your passport at p____ c_____
passport control
Don’t forget to go to the b____ h ____ to collect your suitcase.
baggage hall
At the d____ g____ you often have to stand in a queue
departure gate
You need to show your b_______ p_____ to get on a plane
boarding pass