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Adult Mental Health Intro Presentation

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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This team member works closely with Grants including BHWET, Utah Emergency Covid grants, and the Mental Health Block Grant.
Pam Bennett
This team member works closely with homeless services, case management, tele-health, and MLO.
Pete Caldwell
This team member leads and facilitates the steering committee for their integrated health grant and works closely with their providers across the state.
Sarah May
This team member is developing a Forensic Peer Support Training Program for Utah.
Heather Rydalch
This team member recently performed their poetry at the Utah Arts Festival.
Sarah May
This team member manages an integrated health grant with various providers across the state of Utah.
Pete Caldwell
This team member sits on and supports multiple committees such as Mental Illness Psychotherapy Drug Task Force, Maternal Mental Health Policy, Suicide Prevention Firearm Safety Committee, and VA MH Exec Committee to name a few.
Pam Bennett
This team member's favorite pastime is to look for critters in nature such as moose, deer, squirrels, birds, foxes, and take as many pictures as possible.
Heather Rydalch
This team member has been an Office Specialist, Accounting Technician, Contract/Grant Analyst, and a Program Manager since beginning their journey with the division/office.
Heather Rydalch
This team member provides the following ongoing training, but not limited to: ADA, disability etiquette, disability disclosure, reasonable accommodations, evidence based practice fidelity, job coaching, mental health in the workplace, etc.
Sharon Cook
This team member works as the solo Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Trainer for Utah - an evidence-based practice for Supported Employment.
Sharon Cook
This team member worked for a summer at a fishing lodge at Great Bear Lake outside of the arctic circle where they jumped in the ice cold water.
Pam Bennett
This team member once jumped into Bear Lake, during the winter, in freezing cold, icey waters, in a mermaid outfit for charity.
Sharon Cook
This team member started working for the State in the Utah Strong Recovery Project utilizing their art and advocacy background to lead crisis counselor mindfulness groups.
Sarah May
This team member is Utah's NASMHPD Older Persons Division representative and assists several co-workers with their programs such as Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness, Disaster Crisis Counseling, Emergency Preparedness.
Geri Jardine
This team member's primary responsibility is managing the Preadmission Screening and Resident Review web-based system and providing TA for the program.
Geri Jardine
This team member played college volleyball.
Geri Jardine
This team member is an Amateur Astronomer.
Pete Caldwell
Who is this?
Geri Jardine! Fun Fact Geri has climbed to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
Who is this?
Heather Rydalch! Fun Fact Heather was on tv as a weather girl.
Who is this?
Sharon Cook! Fun Fact Sharon has never had a cavity and has zero fillings.
Who is this?
Pam Bennett! Fun Fact Pam was born in Alberta, Canada.
Who is this?
Sarah May! Fun Fact Sarah lived in Iceland for an artist residency.
Who is this?
Pete Caldwell! Fun Fact Pete has officiated 4 weddings.