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knowledge is
practice makes
time is
fortune favors the ???
Summarize the important components of DNA and describe important aspects of its structure
phosphate group, sugar, nucleotide base, bound by h-bonds, double helix, antiparallel etc
what is a cyclin
Special proteins that bind to enzymes during the cell cycle
What is comparative embryology?
Studying the structures of organisms during early stages of development is called
What is a gene?
A segment of DNA
what is a carrier
someone who is heterozygous for a genetic disorder, but they do not have the disorder
a centromere is
The structure that attaches sister chromatids
incomplete dominance is ?
an intermediate heterozygous phenotype between two homozygous phenotypes
The theory that the continents are drifting on large plates across Earth’s surface is called .
plate tectonics
with or
without you
What is a prokaryote?
A cell without a nucleus or membrane bound organelles
how is a virus different from a prion?
a prion is an infectious protein substance, a virus is dna surrounded by a protein coat
What are the three sections of geologic time called
eon, era, period
breeding things with different traits
breeding things with similar traits
in breeding
substances that cause cancer are called?
What is the difference between DNA and RNA?
no thymine but there is uracil
Who took the famous picture 51 that helped identify the structure of DNA
Rosalind Franklin
True or False: Cladistics calculates molecular clocks
What happens in conjugation?
the exchange of DNA
True or false: Manchester United SUCKS!
true or false: aster fibers are part of the spindle aparatus
True or false: chromatin is a part of the spindle aparatus
What is apoptosis?
cell death
True or False: all protists are heterotrophic eukaryotes?
True or false: gene regulation can control the production of specific proteins?
What is a genotype made up of?
alleles for a traite
How many chromosomes in the human genome?
What does the word protozoan describe?
animal like protists, hetertroph protists
What is a retrovirus
a virus with RNA
What is bioremediation
using living organisms to clean pollutants from the environment
What is the function of an endospore?
to survive a lack of nutrients or other extreme conditions
Archaea are also called
True or false: kingdom bacteria has autotrophs
What is the founder effect?
a new population is established by a very small number of individuals from a larger population.
list 3 different types of fossils
amber, trace, molds/casts, replacement, petrified/permineralized, original material
During replication the DNA is unwound by the enzyme
the central dogma of biology is?
DNA codes for RNA which guides the synthesis of proteins
True or False: DNA Polymerase unwinds the DNA strand
true or false: hox genes are an example of prokaryotic gene regulation
What does homozygous mean?
it has two of the same alleles for a trait.
What is the difference between purine and pyrimidine bases, and list 1 of each
Purine: 2 rings, Adenine/guanine, Pyrimidine: 1 ring thymine