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P.2 Length and distance (2)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The length of the Tsing Ma Bridge is about ( 2 / 20 / 200 / 2000) m.
The length of the Tsing Ma Bridge is about 2000 m.
The thickness of an assignment book is ( 8 / 80 / 800 ) mm.
The thickness of an assignment book is 8 mm.
Name 2 different ever ready ruler
Thumb width, hand span, arm span, foot length, step length
True or false: 8 km 12 m = 812 m
False. 8 km 12 m = 8012 m
True or false: 2 km 3 m = 203 m
False. 2 km 3 m = 2003 m
A pen is 8 cm long. An eraser is 23 mm long. The difference in lengths of the pen and eraser is __ mm.
Which unit should be used to record the length of the Kwun Tong line of MTR? ( km/m/cm/mm)
14 km = _____ m
12 cm 3 mm = ___ mm
5 cm = __ mm
6 km 150 m = ____ m
7 km 2m = ____ m