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Who is the player with the most red cards
Sergio Ramos
Who won La Liga this year
Real Madrid
Which club wears red shirts
Bayern Munich
Who won UCL last year
Chelsea CF
Which number does Vinicius Jr wear
Who is best football trio
MSN- Messi,Suarez,Neymar JR
From where is Nicolo Barella
Which footballer is this?
Erling Braut Haaland
Who won WC 2018
Which footballer wears number 7
Cristiano Ronaldo
Tell 5 team´s in premier league
Liverpool, Man City, Man United, Chelsea, Tottenham...
Which football player is this?
Mohamed Salah
How many golden balls does Messi have?
How many Champions league trophies does Real Madrid have
Which footballer is this?
Karim Benzema