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Final Exam Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the COMPLETE predicate: Babies need a lot of sleep.
need a lot of sleep
What is the COMPLETE subject: Babies need a lot of sleep.
What is the COMPLETE predicate: My brother likes peanuts.
likes peanuts
What is the COMPLETE subject: My brother likes peanuts.
My brother
Write a question for this answer: The scientist is in the lab because she wants to do an experiment.
Why is the scientist in the lab?
Write a question for this answer: The pioneers traveled in wagons.
How did the pioneers travel?
Write correctly: los angeles, california
Los Angeles, California
Write correctly: gulf of mexico
Gulf of Mexico
Soon the baby _______ ______________ _______ ___________. (talk)
is going to talk
They ______________ until midnight. (stop - negative)
won't stop
Later tonight, the band __________. (play)
will play
Last night I ___________ at the stars (look).
Now I ______ the Moon. (see)
I _________ the telescope yesterday. (fix)
Being well and not sick
To look around and find out things about a place
A person who travels into space
The empty area outside of Earth
A way of life, including food, music, and language
The band is great. It leaves all other bands
She is not like other singers. She is one of a
It orbits the Earth. It is the
A light moves very fast across the sky. It is a
shooting star
The body of water between Florida and Mexico is the
Gulf of Mexico
People who travel across new land to learn about it are
Who traveled west in wagon trains?
Divide into syllalbes: candle
can dle
Divide into syllables: about
a bout
Divide into syllables: cabin
cab in
Divide into syllables: music
mu sic
Divide into syllables: hundred
hun dred
Divide into syllables: basket
bas ket
Divide into syllables: rabbit
rab bit