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J&H Chapter 5

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The newsboys were crying out "Special Edition. Showing murder of an M.P." Whose murder were they referring to?
Sir Danvers Carew
Upon hearing of the murder of Carew, what does Jekyll tell Utterson about his and Hyde's relationship?
That it is over and he will "never set eyes on him [Hyde] again"
What does Jekyll admit to, regarding his will?
That Hyde forced him to write that part about his disappearance
According to Jekyll, why does he no longer have the envelope the letter came in?
Jekyll said that he burned it
At the end of the chapter, where does Utterson believe Jekyll got the letter?
He believes that Jekyll forged the letter for Hyde!
What is the only difference between Hyde's letter and the one from Jekyll?
The slope (direction the letters lean) of the writing
What conclusion does Mr. Guest come to after comparing the letter written by Hyde and another letter written by Jekyll?
That they are written by the same person!
What expertise does Mr. Guest have?
He is a handwriting expert.
What is Dr. Jekyll's "cabinet"?
His office
Where does Utterson begin think the letter was actually written?
Inside Jekyll's Cabinet (office)
Who does Poole say had dropped off the letter?
No one! Poole said that no letters had been dropped off that day. Gasp!
What does the letter state?
That Jekyll is now free of Hyde and any commitment he may have had towards him
How did Dr. Jekyll get the letter?
It was dropped off at his home.
Who wrote the letter that Jekyll gives to Utterson?
Mr. Hyde
What condition is Dr. Jekyll in when Utterson visits him?
He looks and sounds deathly sicks
Who is Mr. Guest?
Utterson's Clerk