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Find the subject: "To revise new words every day can be helpful in learning a language."
To revise
Find the attribute: "School days are very interesting."
The subject answers the questions...
who? what?
"Go and wash your hands". In this sentence "your" is ...
an attribute
Find the predicate: I'll try to come in time.
will try to come
There are three types of the object:
direct, indirect, cognate
The compound predicate may be ...
Compound nominal and compound verbal
The object is expressed by...: "His first act was to have dinner."
There is no an object.
Find the object: The sergeant ordered to stop.
to stop
The attribute is expressed by... : We have sent them our illustrated catalogs.
pronoun, substantivised adjective
Find the predicate: She continued reading the newspaper.
continued reading
Find a subject in the sentence: The plan of our work will be discussed at the meeting.
the plan