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Technology: Electricity

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false: The NEUTRAL pin is the LONGEST in a socket.
False! The EARTH pin is the longest.
What is the VOLTAGE of a NEUTRAL wire?
Close to 0.
True or false: The EARTH wire is a safety wire.
Where does the EARTH (striped) wire go? Left, right, or top?
Where does the NEUTRAL (blue) wire go? Left, right, or top?
Where does the LIVE (brown) wire go? Left, right, or top?
What is the UNIT of POWER?
Watts! (W)
What color is the EARTH wire in a plug?
Yellow and green!
What color is the NEUTRAL wire in a plug?
What color is the LIVE wire in a plug?
What is the UNIT for RESISTANCE in a circuit?
What is the term for ENERGY TRANSFERRED per unit charge?
Voltage (potential difference)!
What is the term for the RATE of flow of CHARGE around a circuit? C...