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Non-defining Relative clause

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She bought two books. They are about English grammars.
She bought two books, which are about English grammars.
Odette killed Martis in one second. She used her last skill.
Odette, who used her last skill, killed Martis in one second.
Reaksa is doing her homework. She is wearing white shirt.
Reaksa, who is wearing white shirt, is doing her homework.
My dad is a doctor. Doctor is my dream job.
My dad is a doctor, which is my dream job.
My children eat ice-cream at Swedsen. There are some new promotions there.
My children eat ice-cream at Swedsen, where there are some new promotions.
My mother is afraid of dogs. She is 70.
My mother, who is 70, is afraid of dogs.
Viseth is my boyfriend. I broke up with him last week.
Viseth is my boyfriend, who I broke up with last week.
Dara is an uncle. He wrote me some emails yesterday.
Dara is an uncle, who wrote me some emails yesterday.
I go to school. I love the school.
I go to school, which I love.
I live in Cambodia. There is Angkor Wat there.
I live in Cambodia, where there is Angkor Wat.
I lose my only cat. Her name is Lilly.
I lose my only cat, whose name is Lilly.