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5th. Grade - Unit 2 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of Instrument is the GONG
What kind of Instrument is the TROMBONE
What kind of Instrument is the HARP
Is the next structure correct for the Passive: "Modal verb + be + past participle"
Is the next sentence correct: "Our shopping will done online."
Is the next sentence correct: "Credit cards may not be needed."
Mention 3 Moda Verbs
Will, Might, May, Should, Could, Must
We use the word BY to say the person/thing that "does" the action.
We use the PASSIVE tenses to focus in the "action", not in the person/thing that "does" the action.
Was/Were are used in Past Tense. True or False
Is this sentence in Past Passive or Present Perfect Passive: "Of course, the secret has not been found."
Present Perfect Passive
Is this sentence in Present Passive or Past Passive: "The heart isn’t removed."
Present Passive
Is this a Direct or Indirect Question: "Where did you learn to play Ukelele?"
Direct Question
Is this a Direct or Indirect Question: "I was wondering if you liked classical music?"
Indirect Question
Mention 2 Polite Questions structures:
Can you tell me..., Do you know…, Do you have any idea…, Would/Do you mind telling me…, I was wondering…
When we request help or when we don’t know the other person well, we use DIRECT OR INDIRECT QUESTIONS?
Indirect Questions
The structure for the OBJECT questions is: "Question word + AUXILIARY + Verb" as in the next sentence: WHAT MUSIC APPS DO YOU USE?
In OBJECT Questions the unknown information is the one that RECEIVES the action:
In SUBJECT Questions the unknown information is the NOUN/PRONOUN: