Edit Game
6th. Grade - Unit 2 Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Create any Deduction about WHO STOLE MY PIZZA:
The boy couldn't have eaten the pizza, because he wasn't there.
Create any Speculation about WHO STOLE MY PIZZA:
The pizza may have been stolen by the man who was hungry.
We use DEDUCTIONS when we are NOT SURE about what hapenned?
We use SPECULATIONS when we are SURE about what hapenned?
What are the 3 words we can use to make Deductions:
Must, Can't and Couldn't
What are the 3 words we can use to make Speculations:
May, Might, Could
Create a sentence using the next Phrasal Verb: "TURN ON"
The next Phrasal Verb is Separable or Inseparable: "GET ALONG WITH"
Does this sentence have a Direct Object: "Linda really needs to grow up."
It doesn't
What is the Phrasal Verb we can use to express: TO INVESTIGATE
Look into
What is the Phrasal Verb we can use to express: SOLVE A PROBLEM
Figure out
What is the (3 word) Phrasal Verb we can use to express: ADMIRATION
Look up to
If the Object is a long description, you can separate the Phrasal Verb as in the next sentence: "She turned the volume of the music she was playing down."
Is this sentence correct or incorrect and why: SHE TURN DOWN IT.
Is this sentence Transitive or Intransitive: I TURN IT OFF.
Is this sentence correct or incorrect: I TURN THE LAPTOP ON.
INTRANSITIVE Phrasal Verbs are inseparable
TRANSITIVE Phrasal Verbs are Separable.
The Particle of the Phrasal Verb can be a "PREPOSITION OR AN ADVERB"
A Phrasal Verb is made by a Verb + a Particle.