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Prepare 4

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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tasting extremely nice d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
very unpleasant or bad h _ _ _ _ _ _ _
with a taste like sugar s _ _ _ _
This food has been made so that it will last a long time by freezing. f _ _ _ _ _
sport / What / new / you / would / like / try / to / ?
What new sport would you like to try?
sports / friends / What / do / play / your / ?
What sports do your friends play?
sports / regularly / Which / you / do / watch / ?
Which sports do you regularly watch?
often / play / How / sports / you / do / ?
How often do you play sports?
is / favourite / What / your / sport / ?
What is your favourite sport?
A line of cars, trucks, etc. that are moving slowly or not moving. t _ _ _ _ _ _ j _ _
traffic jam
Writing or pictures painted on walls and public places, usually illegally. g _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A large group of people who have come together. c _ _ _ _
A place outside in a town or city where people go to buy or sell things. s _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ _ _
street market
Things you throw away because you do not want them. R_
We’d love to go / do surfing but we don’t live near the sea
Do those trainers point / fit you? They look a bit too small
My sister wants to do / play athletics but she can’t run very fast
Can you point / catch at the place where you think the lost ball is?
In tennis you drop / hit the ball with a racket
I love playing ice skating / ice hockey with my friends.
ice hockey
You shouldn’t catch the ball in table tennis / rugby
table tennis
The team need to train / go harder before matches if they want to start winning.