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The Locomotor System

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is it called when there are involuntary and prolonged muscle contractions?
muscle strains
What is it called when there is damage to ligaments sometimes caused by twisting?
what is it called when bones break or crack?
bone fractures
give me an example of a reflex movement
give me an example of a voluntary movement
many muscles in the limbs are _________
muscles in the trunk are _________ and __________
flat and large
muscles in the head are ________
muscles are attached to bones by ___________
muscles are __________ organs
give me TWO examples of joints
shoulder, elbow, hip, finger, ankle, knee, wrist
bones meet at the _______
The ends of bones are covered by a soft, elastic tissue called __________
give me ONE example of a flat bone
sternum, cranial bones, ribs, scapulae
give me ONE example of a short bone
carpals, tarsals
give me ONE example of a long bone
humerus, radius, ulna, metacarpal, metatarsal, femur, fibula, tibia
what are the three main types of bones?
long, short, and flat
All bones are hard and rigid and contain mineral substances such as ____________