Edit Game
Prepare 1 (final revision)
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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We___(be) in the cafe last weekend. We _____(enjoy) the music there, but we ____(not like) the food.
were / enjoyed / didn't like
I ___ (walk) in the park with my friends yesterday. It ___ (be) fun.
walked / was
I ____(be) at the cinema now. We ______(watch) a comedy.
am / are watching
I _______ (do) my homework at the moment. My mum _____(cook) dinner now.
am doing / is cooking
He _____ (go) to school every day. After school he usually _____ (watch) TV.
goes / watches
Bears are ________(dangerous) than monkeys.
more dangerous
Leopards are ______(fast) than kangaroos.
This is Maria. And this is her friend Tom. -> Tom is M_______ friend.
How _____ coffee do you drink every day?
How ____ apples have you got in the fridge?
It's ____ cold outside. It's -30 degrees.
too / very
My country is fa_____ for its beautiful nature, museums and parks.
I have a good pen. It writes very well and it's very ch____. It costs only $1.
Her mobile phone costs $1 000 000!!! It's very ex______!
IT is very imp________. You can get a good job if you are good at IT.
I can't play sports. It's difficult for me to _______ a ball.
I like ______ photographs. It's very interesting.
I don't like ____ my homework. It's boring.
Name 10 school subjects
Art, English, French, Geography, History, IT, Maths, Music, PE, Science
Guess the animal: it's green and long. It has got big teeth, a long tail. It a wild animal. It's very dangerous. Describe your animal
Describe clothes she is wearing
Hat, gloves, dress, sweater
Name 10 jobs (professions)
Doctor, farmer, firefighter, journalist, musician, nurse, photographer, waiter, driver, footballer
What jobs around the house can you do? Name 5
Cook dinner, do the washing up, make a bed, tidy your room, carry the shopping, feed a cat
Name 10 words for family members
Mother, father, sister, brother, daughter, son, wife, husband, parents, children