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Flowers, Seeds and Fruits

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the only thing left for Robin to do?
The only thing left for Robin to do is to be Jun's best friend.
Why does Jun think its hard to eat Robin's cakes?
He thinks Robin makes the cakes so pretty.
What game does Robin play with Jun and Jamie?
He plays hide-and-seek with Jun and Jamie.
What does Robin help Dad with?
He helps Dad with gardening.
What did Jun get for his birthday?
He got a robot for his birthday.
What does Robin love teaching Max?
He loves teaching Max new tricks.
What does Mr Jones think about Robin?
Mr Jones thinks Robin is fast at grading tests.
What does Robin help Mom with?
He helps Mom with the chores.
List 3 adjectives used to describe Robin
smart, helpful, strong, nice, kind
Who are the main characters in the story?
Jun and Robin are the main characters.