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Making & Selling

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Is cotton a raw material or manufactured product?
it is a raw material
Tourists going to ski is an example of ____________ tourism.
Tourists visiting museums and monuments is an example of __________ tourism.
People who travel to another place for their holidays are ______________.
People who work in factories are called _______________.
factory workers
True or false - Shopping centres only have one store and specialize in one product.
False, they have many shops
Small shops, markets, shopping centres and ______________ are examples of outlets.
Imports are the products or raw materials we BUY from other countries. What do we call the products and raw materials we SELL?
_________________ trade is trade with other countries
True or False - Domestic trade happens in your own country.
Trade is buying or selling products. The people who sell are the _________.
Trade is buying or selling products. The people who buy are the _________.
Is this a passenger vehicle or a freight vehicle?
passenger vehicle
Is paper a raw material or manufactured product?
Paper is a  manufactured product.
Is this a passenger vehicle or a freight vehicle?
This is a freight vehicle.
True or False: Passenger vehicles transport manufactured products and animals.
False, they transport people
We use raw materials to make __________________.
manufactured products
Raw materials come from inside the Earth, animals, rivers, seas and ___________.
______________ are products we get from nature.
Raw materials