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Forces and Energy

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Are these using renewable energy sources or non-renewable sources?
Non- renewable energy sources
Are these using renewable energy sources or non-renewable sources?
Renewable energy sources
________________ energy sources do not run out. The do no pollute the air.
_______________ energy sources will one day run out. They also pollute the air.
Sunlight, water and wind are _________________ energy sources.
True or False: Petroleum and coal are renewable energy sources.
False, they are NON-renewable energy sources
What are the two types of energy sources?
Non-renewable and renewable energy sources
Is he pushing or pulling the girl on the swing?
He is PUSHING the girl on the swing.
Is she pushing or pulling the cart?
She is PULLING the cart
True or False: These are magnetic objects.
False, these are NON-magnetic
True or False: These are magnetic objects.
What type of force is this?
Magnetic Force
True or false, there is no gravity on Earth.
FALSE, there is gravity on Earth
The boy kicks the ball. Does the ball stop or does it move?
the ball moves
The goalkeeper catches the ball. Does the ball stop or does it move?
the ball stops
Which force is moving this kite?
What force is being used to move the shopping cart?
human force
___________ is a force that pulls objects towards the Earth.
Some objects use the force of wind, _______ , or a motor to move.