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Regular and irregular verbs

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which ones change a consonant to form the past? Drink, give, make, find, build
Make and build
Which one forms the past in a different way than the others? Bring, meet, buy, catch
What's the affirmative version of "I didn't keep my clothes in my wardrobe"
I kept my clothes in my wardrobe.
What's the affirmative version of "He didn't feel confident"?
He felt confident.
Is it correct to say "They gave Chanel 12 points"?
Is it correct to say "Leo bringed a dessert after lunch"?
No. It should be "Leo brought a dessert after lunch".
What's the past simple of BREAK?
What's the past simple of BEGIN?
What's the past simple of EAT?
What's the past simple of COME?
What's the past simple of GO?
Is it correct to say "They didn't learned a single word in Spanish"?
No. The correct version is "They didn't learn a single word in Spanish".
Is it correct to say "Did you enjoyed Eurovision song contest?"?
No. The correct question is "Did you enjoy Eurovision song contest?"
What is the interrogative version of "She studied really hard for the Maths exam"?
Did she study really hard for the Maths exam?
What is the negative version of "I wore black trousers to the concert"?
I didn't wear black trousers to the concert.
What is the affirmative version of "I didn't cry when I watched the end of the film"?
I cried when I watched the end of the film.
Which verb didn't double the final consonant? Called, travelled, cancelled, robbed
Which one is not correct? Spotted, openned, stopped, planned
Which verb forms the past simple in a different way than the rest? Cry, try, stay, carry
Which verb forms the past simple in a different way than the rest? Enjoy, play, study, pay
Which verbs are not irregular? Become, enjoy, compare, catch
Enjoy and compare
Which verbs are irregular? Be, meet, play, start
Be and meet