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Revision - Famous people & the media

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Shared interests, beliefs, or opinions between two people or groups of people who disagree about most other subjects:
common ground
common thoughts
common minds
common bridges
Which famous person has 441 million followers on Instagram?
Cristiano Ronaldo
Dwayne Johnson
Lionel Messi
Selena Gomez
The director had to move _____ to remake this classic film, it was very challenging.
Even though she was famous, she often felt I______.
negative adjective
positive adjective
Which fixed phrase means attention from newspapers, television and the public?
in the spotlight
in the light
in focus
in the starlight
After many years of being an actress, she was bored and ______ of being famous (2 words)
fed up
attractive, pleasing or interesting (9 letters)
A word which means when a newspaper shows favour towards a certain group or opinion (7 letters)
The title of a newspaper article usually printed in big letters. (8 letters)
Photographers who follow celebrities and sell the photos they’ve taken of them. 
This is a _______ (5 letters)
Transform ICON into an adjective
Modern and influenced by the most recent fashions or ideas (6 letters, informal adjective)
A product that is extremely popular and has sold in very large numbers (10 letters)
______ newspapers have short articles with a lot of stories about famous people (they are often considered less serious than other newspapers)