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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How would you say ' humorzasty' in English?
moody - humorzasty
'He is so polite.' What does it mean?
On jest taki grzeczny.
'She is laid-back.' What does it mean?
Ona jest wyluzowana.
Translate to English: Nie mamy pozwolenia na robienie zdjęć w muzeum.
We are not allowed to take photos in the museum.
What does 'oversleep' mean?
oversleep - zaspać, przespać
What does ' tumble dryer' mean?
tumble dryer - suszarka (od prania)
Translate to English: Oni nie pozwalają nam nosić kolczyków.
They don't let us wear earrings.
How is 'widownia w studiu' in English?
studio audience - widownia w studiu
How is 'pamięć' in English?
memory - pamięć
What does it mean 'to be in detention'? Describe in English.
to be kept after class as a punishment
'Przypomnij mi' to take my sports kit to school.
Remind me to take my sports kit to school.
What equipment do you need hiking in the mountains?
an anorak, a fleece, a rucksack, a sun cream, a torch, walking boots
Create a sentence using 'going to'
going to - planujÄ™
How do you say 'latarka' in English?
a torch
Create a sentence using the word 'sleeping bag'
sleeping bag - śpiwór
Name at least 3 different natural disasters
an avalanche, a drought, an earthquake, a flood, a heat wave, a hurricane, a tsunami, a volcanic eruption
How do you say 'lawina' in English?
an avalanche
What does it mean 'to recharge'?
naładować (ponownie)
How do you say 'zmywarka' in English?
a dishwasher