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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Hàng ngang có âm gì?
Âm a, âm o.
Hàng dọc có âm gì?
Âm b, âm c.
What is "row / horizontal line" ?
Hàng ngang.
What is "hàng dọc" ?
Column / Vertical line
Pronounce the word "Cá".
Cờ - a - ca - SẮC - cá.
Name 2 words you have learned in Vietnamese with "dấu ngang".
Cua, ba ba, ca, ba, ...
Name 3 words you have learned in Vietnamese with "dấu sắc".
Lá, bé, bóng, cáo, cá, ...
Name 2 words you have learned in Vietnamese with "dấu huyền".
Bà, gà, cò, bò, ...
What is "fox" in Vietnamese?
What is "Cú" in English?
How to call "dog" in Vietnamese?
What is "bug/beetle" in Vietnamse?
What is "Cọ" in English?
Palm tree.
How to say: "Grandmother is bundling the grass." in Vietnamese?
Bà bó cỏ.
What is "bó cỏ" as a noun in English?
A bunch of grass.
What is "eggplant" in Vietnamese?
Pronounce the word "Cỏ".
Cờ - o - co - HỎI - cỏ.
Pronounce the word "Bả".
Bờ - a - ba - HỎI - bả.
Pronounce the word "Có".
Cờ - o - co - SẮC - có.
What is "sound c" in Vietnamese?
Âm cờ.
What is "flag" in Vietnamese?
What is "paradise fish" in Vietnamese?
Cá cờ.
What is "Bò fish" in Vietnamese?
Cá bò.
Tell the story "Cá bò" with 4 pictures in Vietnamese in the student book.
Picture 1: Cá bò mẹ bảo con ở nhà. Picture 2: Cá cờ rủ cá bò đi nghe nhạc. Picture 3: Cá bò và cá cờ nhìn thấy bồ nông. Picture 4: Cá bò xin lỗi mẹ.
Can you say this sentence in Vietnamese: "Put the chalks into the chalk box." ?
Bỏ phấn vào hộp phấn.