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Elect 4B Unit 4 too much too many fewer less mor ...
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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____________ soft drinks are bad for us. You need to drink _________ soft drinks.
Too many soft drinks are bad for us. You need to drink fewer soft drinks.
Too much fried food is bad for us. We need to eat _________ fried food.
Too much fried food is bad for us. We need to eat less fried food.
Water is good for us. Drink more water and _________ cola.
Water is good for us. Drink more water and less cola.
Miss Poon is immensely fat. ______ meat is bad for her.
Miss Poon is immensely fat. Too much meat is bad for her.
The basket is small. There is only __________ fruit in it.
The basket is small. There is only a little fruit in it.
You only eat three to four cherries every day. You need to eat _________ fruit.
You only eat three to four cherries every day. You need to eat more fruit.
I went to the beach today. There is still ________________ in my shoes. (a little/a few)
I went to the beach today. There is still a little in my shoes.
Miss Poon has _____________ dogs. She has more than 10.
Miss Poon has a lot of dogs. She has more than 10.